Curious about EMDR Therapy?

Mercedes Cusick | LMFT

EMDR Resource Center


What is EMDR?

The mind can often heal itself naturally, in the same way as the body does. Much of this natural coping mechanism occurs during sleep, particularly during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Dr. Francine Shapiro developed Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) in 1987, utilizing this natural process in order to successfully treat Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Since then, EMDR has also been used to effectively treat a wide range of mental health problems: depression, anxiety, grief, and phobias.

Is EMDr for you?

You Should Consider EMDR if…

You feel blocked in traditional therapy

You suffered a trauma such as: an accident, a rape, sexual abuse, child abuse, physical abuse, the death of a love one, an assault, or a pattern of unsuccessful relationships.

You may consider EMDR if you suffer from anxiety, depression, brooding or worry, addiction, or a phobia.


Introduction to EMDR Therapy


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Trauma and the Brain

Most of the time your body and brain routinely manages new information and experiences without you being aware of it. However, when something out of the ordinary occurs and you are traumatized by an overwhelming event or by being repeatedly subjected to distress your natural coping mechanism can become overloaded. This overloading can result in disturbing experiences remaining frozen in your brain or being โ€œunprocessedโ€. 

More Info

How Childhood Trauma Affects You Today-

As a trauma therapist, knowing my clientโ€™s ACE score directly impact my course of treatment with them.  Learning about adverse childhood experience has been revolutionary as a mental health professional. 

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Unresolved Trauma and Addiction

I realized early on in my career when clients were not willing to deal with their trauma, the relapse rate was extraordinarily high. The main reason that I became a trauma-informed addiction therapist is because addiction is so often a response to past trauma. In my opinion, you cannot effectively treat the addiction piece without addressing the unresolved trauma. They go hand-in-hand. 

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Recommended Reads on Trauma


The Body Keeps the Score

A book by Bessel van der Kolk. It explores the impact of trauma on our minds and bodies and explores new ways to heal.


Unspoken Legacy

I am currently reading Unspoken Legacy Addressing the Impact of Trauma and Addiction within the Family by Claudia Black PhD


It Didn’t Start With You

How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle by Mark Wolynn. 

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