The Avoidant Attachment Style

Are you Avoidantly Attached in your relationships? If you are – this is most likely due to a parent that was either rejecting or emotionally unavailable. So as an adult you basically replicate this dynamic and are emotionally distant and rejecting in your relationships. Keeping people at arm’s length. You are likely to have difficulty […]

What is Gaslighting?

Gaslighting is a form of persistent manipulation and brainwashing that causes the victim to doubt themselves, and ultimately their sense of perception, identity, and self-worth.

Toxic Relationships: Are you Turning Red Flags Green?

It is so easy to get distracted in the honeymoon period of a new relationship; those first few months people are typically on their best behavior.  However, over time people show us who they are and it’s our job to listen.  In the excitement of a new relationship we want to only see their good […]